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Parish Activities at Our Lady of Lourdes 


A Feast for the Community - Parish Supper


At the heart of the Parish Supper on Saturday 7th October after mass there was was a sumptuous feast. The tables are laden with a most beautiful array of diverse foods from sausage rolls, quiches, rice, chicken curry and desserts. Families and friends gathered to share in the communal joy, making it a vibrant tapestry of traditions and giving thanks for the blessings we have received. As we gathered at the parish church for this feast, we are sowing the seeds of kindness, fostering a sense of togetherness, and nurturing a spirit of gratitude that can enrich our lives throughout the year.

A Quiz Night


Thanks to our enthusiastic quizmaster Bernie and a team of eager volunteers, the quiz night is back. Resumed last year, after the pandemic, this activity is one of the most popular parish events.  This year again it was well attended, not only by our own parish community but also by our friends from the Free Church, St Mary's and the Sawston area. Some people who couldn't come made generous donations instead, and with these and the money paid on the night we raised a total of £345. This has been donated to Mary's Meals, the charity that our community decided to supports on this occasion.

Similarly to the previous years the quiz went well and people did seem to enjoy themselves! If you are a keen quizzer please look up for the next quiz night announcement on the website. 

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Afternoon Tea with Live Irish Music 


There was a very successful and upbeat Irish Tea event on Saturday 27 April in the Parish Hall. Many parishioners provided scones and cakes and served up a delicious tea. This was accompanied by Irish Folk music provided by Frank and his large band who entertained a full hall for two hours. Over 60 people attended the event from both the parish and the wider Sawston community, singing and tapping feet all the while. The voluntary donations raised over £600 for the charity Mary's Meals, funding school meals for Chasera School in Zambia, a school OLOL is sponsoring this year. Sincere thanks to all those who helped to organize it as well as those who supported the afternoon. Stay tuned for other events with live music

Karelan Curry Night 


The Keralan community raised £1,005 for Mary's Meals on Wednesday 22nd May with a very well attended Curry Evening. A wide spectrum of the parish attended, including whole families. The food was delicious and much appreciated by all. Thank you so much to the cooks for the considerable effort and skill involved in providing the ingredients, cooking the meal and setting up the whole event.





Coming up

Fr Raf's Diamond Jubilee 


On 29th June '24 Fr Raf will have been a priest for 60 years. On that Saturday Fr Raf will offer a 6.00pm Mass at OLOL followed by a 'bring and share' supper in the church hall. Wine, tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided.

Do spread the word.


Coming up

Fr John's Silver Jubilee 


 On 10th of July Fr John’s celebrates 25 years since his ordination. To acknowledge this special occasion the parish community will meet on 14th July after 11.15am mass with bring and share food and cake. Everyone is welcome. 


135 High St, Sawston,

Cambridge CB22 3HJ, UK

01223 832397 / 07754 227468


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